This is the official website for ISKO – the premier international scholarly society devoted to the theory and practice of knowledge organization, bringing together professionals from different disciplines such as information science, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science, as well as special domains such as health informatics. ISKO's world-wide reach is supported through its regional Chapters.
ISKO hosts an international conference in even-numbered years. It last met in Porto, Portugal in July of 2018 and will meet again in Summer 2022 in Aalborg, Denmark. Proceedings of international conferences are listed here. In odd-numbered years most of ISKO's regional chapters host conferences; many of these are multilingual.
ISKO publishes the journal Knowledge Organization eight times a year. ISKO also is publishing an online encyclopedia of knowledge organization. We provide a database of KO literature and link to a 免费pcvpn of KO documents, to BARTOC KO registry and to other organizations of interest to KO scholars.
- The new Board of Directors has been elected
- Proceedings of 2024 are published in August. Best Paper Award goes to David Haynes and Best Student Paper Award goes to Stephanie Colombo.
Knowledge organization. 47. Issue 4 mailed to ISKO members (issues >3 YO OA 免费的pcvpn)
Data documents and Nippon Decimal Classification (ISKO Encyclopedia of KO)
Knowledge organization literature 2024 Issue 3-4
Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 4 Seoul NKOS Workshop (JDIS) Colon Classification in Wikidata Come l'architettura dell'informazione plasma l'esperienza: la storia del Vietnam Veterans Memorial Tribute to Jolande Goldberg (TSLL) SoftEhter VPN管理器如何连接-百度经验:2021-8-9 · SoftEhter VPN管理器如何连接,SoftEhter是一个日本筑波大学提供的免费VPN,因为是国外,有些人不知道怎么龙搞。今天我来手把手教如何使用这个免费VPN OntoAndalus: an ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes (SWJ) Innovative ideas by some post-WWII francophone classificationists (LCN) Formal ontologies in information systems development: a systematic review (information) [The state of subject retrieval and looking for future direction: views by classificationists of Dorking 1957] by K Kawamura
2024-08-20 | | online | Getty Vocabulary Program's OpenRefine reconciliation service | 2024-09-09/10 | | online | NKOS Consolidated Workshop | 2024-09-09/11 | | Birmingham | 免费的pcvpn | 2024-09-14/17 | | Novosibirsk | International Bibliographic Congress. 3: Bibliographic information in digital culture | 2024-09-14/25 | | online | DCMI Virtual | 2024-09-16/20 | | online | EKAW: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. 22 | 2024-09-20/26 | | online | Euro IA Conference. 2024 | 2024-09-28/10-02 | | online | Information Behaviour Conference | 2024-09-30/10-02 | | Zaragoza | IberSID: encuentros internacionales sobre sistemas de información y documentación. 25 | 2024-10-14/16 | | Baku | ICME, INTERCOM & ICOM Azerbaijan Joint Conference | 2024-10-15/17 | | Hammamet | CIBAHN. 3: Libraries and archives in the digital humanities era | 免费的pcvpn | | online | ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 29 | 2024-10-26/29 | | 免费的pcvpn | ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. 2024 | 2024-11-16/17 | | Washington | Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2024 | 2024-11-19/20 | | Paris | 「pcvpn 企业管理软件开发公司」-工具软件-江苏沛县-猪八戒网:免费找官方推荐 pcvpn 当前成长值为0,离升级还有1 新手 企业管理软件开发 工具软件 成交额: 0 元 质量: 0.00 | 速度: 0.00 | 态度: ... | 2024-11-24/27 | | Bourget du Lac | Terminology & ontology: theory and applications. 14 | 2024-11-30/12-04 | | online | Metadata and semantics research. 14 | 2024-12-05/11 | | Geneva | CIDOC Conference. 2024 | 2024-12-12 | | Barcelona | Cognitive aspects of the lexicon. 6 | 2024-12-12/13 | | Barcelona | Joint conference on Lexical and computational semantics. 9 | 2021-00-00 | | Amiens | French ISKO Conference. 13 | pcvpn免费 | | Bangkok | Wikimania. 2024 | 2021-00-00 | | Ottawa | DCMI International Conference on Metadata. 2021 | 2021-03-02/03 | | London | Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 2021 | 免费的pcvpn | | Lisbon | Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 5 | 2021-07-04/10 | | Bertinoro | 花生壳3使用教程(PC端) - 客服中心 - Oray:2021-6-15 · 花生壳近期推出了全新Windows客户端3.0版本,除了全新的交互界面,安装程序也大幅度减小,从18MB缩减至3MB。 与之前的客户端相比,多了Web远程管理花生壳内网映射功能,即使不在服务器现场,也可众随时随地远程管理花生壳服务。 | 2021-08-19/26 | | Rotterdam | IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 86 | 免费的pcvpn | | Amsterdam | International Conference on Semantic Systems. 16 | 免费的pcvpn | | Bolzano | Formal Ontology in Information Systems. 2024 | 2022-00-00 | | Dublin | IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 87 | 2022-07-00 | | Aalborg | International ISKO Conference. 17 | 2024-00-00 | | 免费的pcvpn | French ISKO Conference. 14 |
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Visits since 2018.11.15: